Clyde Guilamo

Clyde Guilamo


Criminal Mitigation Packet
Criminal Defense Attorney explains everything you need to know about Mitigation: What it is; The goal; When to provide it; Examples; and Tips

Are Property Taxes Good Or Bad

No one likes paying their property taxes. In Illinois, it is one of the 3 major taxes that we pay along with income and sales tax. In this post, Attorney Clyde Guilamo explains why property taxes actually help our community.

Why hire a property tax lawyer?

Legal Internship and Externship Opportunity
So you may have heard, "there is no need to hire a property tax attorney because you can just do the appeal yourself." Here are the top 3 reasons why you should consider using an attorney for your next property tax appeal.

Opportunity for Real Estate Investors

The Law Office of Clyde Guilamo, LLC. handles property tax appeals which help investors, like you, save money on their rental properties.  And since Cook County only re-assesses properties every three years, one successful appeal could mean thousands of dollars in savings.  We charge nothing upfront and only charge you a percentage of your first-year tax savings.